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Rites of Passage helps young black men find way from adolescence to adulthood


It was the start of the weekend retreat for the young men in Rites of Passage, a program for black high school seniors affiliated with the Minneapolis chapter of Jack and Jill. In Henry Crosby's words, the goal is to "help bridge the transition from adolescence to manhood."


Brainard Dispatch

Dec 13, 2000



Jack and Jill Rites of Passage program promotes understanding of African value system

A line of young men makes its way into a hushed ballroom. Fathers, mothers, mentors and friends dressed in traditional formal African attire eye the ones they raised, chided and guided. The solemn tuxedoed processional suddenly breaks into a choreographed syncopated march of youth making their way into manhood. This is Rites of Passage.


Insight News 

Adrian Hamilton Butler

April 13, 2008

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Jack and Jill Celebrates 21 Years of transforming boys to men

Jack and Jill of American Inc. Minneapolis Chapter is sponsoring Rites of Passage for the 21st consecutive year.  10 outstanding  young men are set to complete their passage.      


Insight News

by Maya Becham   

Feb 28, 2019

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BSM Seniors complete mentorship program

Seniors Evan Weatherly, Obasi Lewis, and Brandon Banks were honored on Saturday March 5 in a Rites of Passage ceremony, a culmination of an eight-month mentorship program designed to prepare African-American high school senior boys for college and the professional world.


BSM Knight Terrant

Mark Racchini and Kasey Desmond

March 14, 2016

Rites of Passage

The Rites of Passage, sponsored by Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Minneapolis Chapter, is proud to celebrate its 26th year of  developing talented young men of African descent for leadership and service.

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©2023 Rites of Passage, sponsored by Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Minneapolis Chapter  

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